Kana813: The only two-box front-end from TEAC I heard was the P70/D70 combo. I found its sound to be so close on redbook to single-box X-01 to make the apparent difference negligible. Granted, the statement must be tempered by the fact that I heard these on two different systems.
I am sure I could find a way to import the P01/D01/D01 tri-box solution from Japan or I may be able to get Teac America to special order it, but its price tag makes it quite simply out of the question. The beauty of X-01 is that it is also a very good starting point for future expansion. A fellow audiogoner from N.Y. (MGOTTLIEB) is using it now as a transport: he has augmented it with the DCS Elgar + Purcell and finds the mixed stack to be superior to a purely DCS stack.
A similar arrangement could be made with X-01 and a Zanden DAC. And of course X-01 would accept the G0 and G0S clocks. Now, if you are starting to ask yourself why on earth I do not stop talking about this and act instead, you are not the only one. . . It's the usual WAF: a rather complicated 'quantum entanglement' of sorts.
I am sure I could find a way to import the P01/D01/D01 tri-box solution from Japan or I may be able to get Teac America to special order it, but its price tag makes it quite simply out of the question. The beauty of X-01 is that it is also a very good starting point for future expansion. A fellow audiogoner from N.Y. (MGOTTLIEB) is using it now as a transport: he has augmented it with the DCS Elgar + Purcell and finds the mixed stack to be superior to a purely DCS stack.
A similar arrangement could be made with X-01 and a Zanden DAC. And of course X-01 would accept the G0 and G0S clocks. Now, if you are starting to ask yourself why on earth I do not stop talking about this and act instead, you are not the only one. . . It's the usual WAF: a rather complicated 'quantum entanglement' of sorts.