DV-50s vs Krell SACD Standard vs Denon 3910 mod

Would sincerely appreciate some experienced guidance or commentary on this.

Here's my situation: Want a great SACD/CD player, happy with a 'good' DVD/DVD-A player - or a universal biased towards SACD/Redbook CD performance.

I'd thought of an Underwood/Partsconnexion mod'd DVD-5900 or 3910, but think I'd be setting myself up for losing even more $$$ when I go to upgrade...
So, have been thinking of the Teac Esoteric DV-50s, or Krell SACD Standard [since CD is my priority]

I've seen the Krell vs Esoteric thread ... but wonder what else I should consider in the $2k-$5k range ?
Happy to buy a good used model in that range as well
I wouldn't have known what it meant, except that my wife's brother married a woman who lived in Hawaii for several years.
I had only about one hour to listen to the Exemplar/Denon 3910 today as a grandson is sleeping in my audio room for Christmas. The unit has now finished 12 continuous days of operation or 288 hours. Last evening an equally brief listen showed it to continue to improve. Today's caused me to be disbelieving. The micro resolution was complete from the lowest frequencies to the highest and dynamics were starling. I rushed through everything that I normally use in tests, such as several cuts of the Bermeister CDII cd. I have heard many very top digital players as well as lp rigs, never with either have I heard what I am hearing. Thank you, Santa.
Metralla- no need for apologies. Glad to see you haoles discovered the message.

FYI- mele is also the Hawaiian word for music.

Just got my apl modded 3910 - took awhile, but OUT OF THE BOX with upsampler it sounded better than DV-50s on all media. That is COLD, with 0 hours on the player. I know it hasn't even "opened up" yet - I am hundreds of hours away from that happening and can't wait! This is when I wish days had 36 hours!!