Where does your user name come from?

Hi everyone,
I'm curious to know what's the story behind your user name (or Alias)... There are a bunch of people that use their name (of parts of it) like myself, Albert Porter, GerryM5, Esoler...

But where does user name like Cornfedboy, Garfish, Calloway, Tireguy, SwampWalker (and many many others) come from? Any story behind?

Just curious
Clueless, i sure hope it wasn't i who "bashed" your first post. You've proven yourself to be a highly valued asset here. I shudder to think that i might have offended or deterred someone as willing as you to share their knowledge. PLEASE tell me it ain't so... Sean

PS... My name is really William Robert Joseph James Raymond as i am named after all of my uncles. My relatives call me Billy Bob Joe Jim Ray for short. To keep things simple here, i chose "Sean" as it seemed the closest that i could come up with to all of the above.
My other hobby that gets the rest of my money, that doesn't go for stereo equipment, is scuba diving.
Hence, Mike1diver.
I was clearly overly anxious about a car purchase and decided to change my ID to reflect such. I had planned on changing it back to EHEAD (an entirely different story) once the car arrived, but it is amazing how many a) I have a Porsche too, which one do you have, or b) based on your name, do you drive a Porsche cab? It actually sparks interest in another passion of mine, the 1997 Porsche Twin Turbo Convertible. I sold the vehicle last week because each oil change was worth more than my Honda!!

I suppose it is time to head back to EHEAD.

I love this post, Sugarbrie, I have wondered the same!


This is actually a cool thread!
My user name is my nick-name that is completely abstract and can be interpreted with huge bunch of definitions. Since definitions for this nick name is so many I now consider my user-name abstract and give members an ability to define it the way they want to.
i picked mine for lack of anything else more ironic that came to mind. i was new to internet chat sites but not to audio. it has been interesting to see how often people have thought i was a newbie to audio and acted accordingly. i think about changing it, but what the hell..........