How Good Can Digital Get?

I've read these threads on the EMM, Exemplar, DV-50, etc. with interest. Last year the "best" digital was the AA Cap II or Wadia/GNSC or MF Trivista or SCD-1 Modified Kern, or whatever. Now we've got a whole new crop of contenders.
You don't see debates like this in any other forum -- standard setting speakers or amps or turntables do not pop up every few months.

This suggests to me that (a) digital audio, like computer processors, is a rapidly moving techonology in which it's possible to make significant advancements quickly and successively; and (b) digital audio still leaves a lot to be desired (when compared to analogue).

What I wonder is will digital ever (really) get as good (or even better) than vinyl? My last comparison was my Audio Aero Cap 2 against a VPI Scout and the turntable truly did "trounce" the cd player. It was a difference in kind, not degree. Given that redbook CD is just a sample of the analogue wave form I have trouble understanding how it can ever sound as fluid, natural, and, well, musical as a properly matched and calibrated table, arm and cartridge.

That said, I have not heard the EMM or Exemplar gear. Am I missing something?
The other day I was listening to some speakers at my favorite audio shop. This was through 50K worth of electronics, including the 20K Linn CD 12. Although I was supposed to be paying attention to speakers, the only thing that kept running through my mind was "This sounds good, but I can't wait to get home and listen to some vinyl." When the source was changed from the CD 12 to an LP 12 turntable (w/ Lingo power supply and Ekos tonearm), I wanted to stay were I was for the rest of the afternoon. I know this is hardly a technically sophisticated statement in response to your question, but music is about emotional and intellectual involvement, and hi-fi is only relevant in so far as it advances the quality of that involvement. So far, nothing does this as well as vinyl.

I am not a snob on the subject, and really enjoy my CD player. Digital is certainly easier and more robust to work with, and I am delighted with the way digital continues to improve. But I do not think it is a realistic possibility that redbook will ever equal quality analog. SACD is better, but still not really that close if you are looking for the most you can get out of your hi-fi.

If the market place were more sensitive to sonic quality, some day some digital format would very possibly even surpass vinyl – certainly we have learned in the last 20 plus years not to under-estimate what can be accomplished with this technology. But in the MP3 satisfied marketplace we live in, I don't see this happening any time soon. Those of us who care deeply about high quality music reproduction are too few in number to drive the market in the necessary ways.
I always find these digital v analog threads interesting if for no other reason is that I can never figure out what purpose they serve. The catalog for both mediums are hardly duplicative and if you care about music that has been recorded in the last 20+ years you can hardly ignore digital.
To proclaim analog supreme you must ignor all of its many and substantial warts. Yes I know, you can learn how to listen thru tics & pops, groove rush, inner groove distortion, improperly selected VTA etc, but so can a digitalphile learn to listen thru or accomodate their favorite meduims deficits as well.

If you have a great table/arm/cartridge combo and if you pay VERY close attention to set up, and if your LP's were recorded properly, pressed w/o defects, and cared for properly, yes they can sound better than digital and quite often do. But who really cares - you must make the best out of the systems available for the format the music come on. And yes, digital playback is improving, but then again so are the LP systems.

IMHO you do the best you can to make your sofware sound the best on the hardware you have or can afford and if you have a choice choose the format which shines the light on the music best on those occasions when that choice is available to you.

Sorry for the rant....
Not a rant at all Newbee, and I think we need to change your moniker to "He who speaks wisely". Well saind.