Isolation Platform - to be or not to be for CDP?

Right now, I am restricted to a fairly sturdy all wood cabinet to house my equipment. I was considering a custom mapleshade 2" platform to be supported by metal inserts or dowels to go under my CDP. Is this a worthwhile (~$200) investment given the type of cabinet. Eventually I will go to a better rack but that is probably at least several months out on the horizon. Any advice, as always, is greatly appreciated.
Norm (Tbg), you seem so sure of yourself yet you don't recall what you listened to. Perhaps this will refresh your memory: Ryan C brought his Nimbus which by all accounts had some leaks and thus wasn't performing up to par. So no, it couldn't have been set up correctly.
Ugh, the once instance I recall was Fred Crowder's use under the Lindemann. The Mana copy lent much greater impact.
I just noticed, "so sure of yourself!" Thanks, I wish it were true. The greatest fear is moving one step forward and two backward.
Tbg - If the Lindemann's special "damping feet" were used in your comparison, I can see where the performance of Nimbus might possibly have suffered, as Nimbus requires very high stiffness/hardness type feet for best results. There a quite a few other things regarding set up for best results, many not too obvious. (Annoying, I know.)
Hey Y'all,

Audiopoints!!! I have them or Sistrum stands under everything in my system, and they are the best I've tried. Then again, I've only tried a couple of things but the Audiopoints have stopped me from needing to look any further........John