How good is Benchmark DAC1 comparing to......

Has anyone compared the DAC1 against the other greats like Wadia, ML, Theta, MSB , Meridian or Accuphase etc?
Where did you buy the unit from? Did you buy it from the address above? Do they have a website or email address? Where did you get it modded? Is yours a 220V unit?
Yes, I bought it from the given address and they will mod it for you upon request. You can choose what you want to upgrade. If you want a full upgrade, it should cost around US$2000. You can also request them to do a 110V unit. They are the manufacturer themself and they can do any modifications upon request, very flexible.
Sorry, I don't have their website or email address. You can call them or fax them a message.
Dgclark, Hang on to your suspicious attitude. It will do you well in the long run. In this specific case, I think you're on the wrong track. There are people here who are able and willing to do things I wouldn't consider -- like buy a piece just because they're curious and want to stay informed. I have a hard enough time doing that with a CD. That's what gives this site so much "headroom", in terms of depth of information, for people like me.

These people may be crazy ;-> but often they are less biased in their opinions. Okay--it's hard to say "less biased" with a straight face in a conversation about audiophiles. Anyway, it is the opinions of true believers and those that want affirmation for a very precious investment they've just made (that better _not_ have been the wrong choice) that are more suspect to me. In any case, Red has a lot of posts on record, and he seems more than Alright.

This is a fun site. If you can dig the opinions without developing the compulsions, noone will get hurt!
Seems I need to clarify my posts. I bought the Lavry for the stereo in my lounge. But I still liked the idea of the Benchmark and so bought one and use it when I travel. I live in New Zealand but right now I am in a hotel in London. I have with me a 200GB drive attached to my laptop, a Wavelength outboard audio card, the Benchmark and some headphones. It means I can travel and still have great sound. When I am at home the DAC1 stays in the box. It has come out two or three times for a week or so at a time to joust with the Lavry but the Lavry always wins in my system. Hope this explains my posts. I continue to believe the Benchmark is great value for money and am not trying to damn it with faint praise. I just prefer my Lavry and suggest anyone looking at a Benchmark try a few others at the same time.
Has any one do a A/B testing of these two units ?
MSB Link III 96kHz sampling/P1000 power supply Vs Benchmark DAC1 ?
