lower priced power cords for emm labs CDSD/DCC2 ?

Searching the archives, and virtual systems it seems many have favored Shunyata Anaconda VX's, Harmonix Studio Master DC, Jena, Elrod statement etc. for connecting their emm Labs CDSD/DCC2.

I am wondering about other options around $500 per cord, that could work out well with the CDSD/DCC2 ?

Both units come with a fairly high quality Kimber power kord, I don't think there would be any shame in just using them. I have not tried them on the emm labs gear but for a resonibly priced power cord the silent source have always proved a good performer.

Did you finally decide to order a digital front end?
At $500, the Bob Crump TG Audio SLVR cord has a very good reputation. I use one on my modified Sony XA777ES and one on my preamp.


Congrats on getting your listening room together and buying your equipment.

As you seem to recognize, aftermarket power cords for source components can be quite tricky, as most have filtering characteristics that can really affect the sound of the component. In fact, much of the better equipment is voiced carefully around specific power cords. As for the Kimber on the EMM gear, it is a 14-gauge "PK-14 Gold", which is not a shabby cable -- it was no doubt chosen quite deliberately.

Jtinn has a lot of experience with your question -- ask him.