Where does your user name come from?

Hi everyone,
I'm curious to know what's the story behind your user name (or Alias)... There are a bunch of people that use their name (of parts of it) like myself, Albert Porter, GerryM5, Esoler...

But where does user name like Cornfedboy, Garfish, Calloway, Tireguy, SwampWalker (and many many others) come from? Any story behind?

Just curious
Pops was my grandfather - one of the coolest guys I have ever known - it's why I'm so cool...
Pops- I appreciate you clearing that up, I was indeed quite curious why you are so cool ;)
when i chose it i was playing a lot of phone and email tag with everyone i knew
Supposedly pronounced oo-la-la, I chose mine during a manic moment, when I think the most bizarre things are funny, but I don't really remember exactly why 'Ohlala'. I think it was from those damn Tresemme shampoo commercials. It is a little amusing when people are forced to refer to me by that moniker. Stay cool, Pops.