Universal Players that do not convert DSD to PCM?

Is there way to definitively tell if a universal player converts DSD (SACD) to PCM before convertion to analog? I am talking about 2 ch Audio output from the player here.

When I talk to retailers about this I usually get a blank stare.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

As an owner of the Onkyo sp 1000..I can honestly say that the pcm conversion makes no difference as this player has the best sa-cd performance I have heard from a 2.5k or less player.
Don't believe the hype imo.

For what it's worth The best starting point is to identify the actual DAC used and to then check the data sheet to see if it supports DSD and PCM. There are cheap universals around such as the Pioneer 563 that use Burr Brown DSD 1791 DACs capable of PCM and DSD. I'm not sure if this offers any real benefits as there are equally very expensive universals that use PCM only DACs, such as the Esoteric DV-50 which use the BB PCM 1730 and an external DSD interface.
Thanks for all the responses. As to why care. At a logical level it seems that if you want to evaluate the difference between two formats and assess their quality, it doesn't make much sense to convert one format to the other prior to the comparison.

In my mind it all comes down to the detrimental affects that sampling has on live performance music. It is the same argument used for years on analog verses digital and, yes most folks can here the difference between the two. And most of what they are hearing is due to the sampling nature of digital. Now does DSD sound less sampled and more natural than high res PCM? That's the question but without hearing each without conversion, one never knows.

Thanks again to all.
Twclark...OK reason. But be sure you research how the disc was made. Most SACD programs were mastered on PCM equipment, and converted over to DSD to make the SACD.
It is interesting that nobody has thus far made mention of the Esoteric DV-50. I own this unit, and if I'm not wrong, it does not convert DSD to PCM. Whether this contributes to its excellent performance on SACD is still a point of controversy. Esoteric's more expensive players like the UX1, do convert to PCM. Do any other users of the DV-50 care to comment on this? The other thread concerning the DV-50's performance has gotten so far off into the deep waters of modifications of other players, that it is no longer relevant to the DV-50