No one has your equipment, your room, your sensitivities, and knowledge of your expectations. The experience level of folks posting here spans from very little beyond their own stuff to several who are professional by any standard. A careful reading of the posts will generally give you a good idea where a poster stands on that scale of knowledge. Usually a simple clue is the more experienced a person is the less definitive their opinion, if for no other reason than that they appreciate all of the variables involved.
If you're really interested in the basis a person has for their opinion, just ask, either by E-mail or in the body of the thread. To expect some sort of "authoritative commentary" in a audio user forum is IMHO a tad unrealistic. :-)
If you're really interested in the basis a person has for their opinion, just ask, either by E-mail or in the body of the thread. To expect some sort of "authoritative commentary" in a audio user forum is IMHO a tad unrealistic. :-)