Critiques of Equipment

As I do some homework regarding CD & DVD players it continues to bug me that folks praise or slam, specific units without declaring whether they are using the DAC in the player (and analog pass through on the their pre/pro's) or using them as a transport (connecting through the coax).

I'm assuming the music will sound different, especially since most of the arguments here are over incremental changes in sound anyway.

Additionally, whether you believe in synergy or not, associated equipment groupings have an effect too.

My sense is there is very little "blind" side-by-side analysis that is done. Yet... there is no shortage of authoritative commentary!
No one has your equipment, your room, your sensitivities, and knowledge of your expectations. The experience level of folks posting here spans from very little beyond their own stuff to several who are professional by any standard. A careful reading of the posts will generally give you a good idea where a poster stands on that scale of knowledge. Usually a simple clue is the more experienced a person is the less definitive their opinion, if for no other reason than that they appreciate all of the variables involved.

If you're really interested in the basis a person has for their opinion, just ask, either by E-mail or in the body of the thread. To expect some sort of "authoritative commentary" in a audio user forum is IMHO a tad unrealistic. :-)
I've done a handfull of blind tests on front-end components with audiophile friends since I started in this hobby back in 85'. The results are not always as expected, but never leave anyone with a shadow of doubt there is a difference in front end components (or any other for that matter). I've always found results to be fairly consistent in terms of descriptions of qualities, but not as consistent in the preferences for individual qualities and components. It can be fun to do. Changes certainly are incremental, and whether they're worth the $ is entirely up to the individual. Synergy can be so easily demonstrated that questioning that just tells me you haven't tried many different combinations, or if you have, you must be hard of hearing. What gets me is the overzealous statements people use to describe the differences as if to justify their superior taste and savvy investment. Get over it! One of the things I've found in doing the A/B/A blind comparison sessions, is that it can be fun on a social level, but it is NOT about enjoying music in the moment, and in fact it tends to take you away from enjoying the music, at least it has for me. I agree, there is no shortage on commentary, but I'd doubt much of it qualifies as being "authorative". I've said it before, it's all subjective. If you can't hear a difference, and or, don't give a rat's derrier, all the power to'll have more time on your hands to enjoy the music!

It bothers me how some of these threads turn so negative towards one another. It is only a hobby for crying out loud. We need to respect each other and each others opinion.

Chuck, I totally agree with you.But for the
most part, there are so many good people here
at Agon.For that I am greatful.
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