I use Algorithm B. I did not like Algo C as it seems that the midrange has been boosted, which (naturally) emphasizes the mids @ the expense of the rest of the spectrum. I listened to Algo A & here the music presented as tho one was sitting in, say, row C. The music is a bit in-your-face (just as it should be when one is in row C!). This is not always to my liking.
Algo B is a sort of mid-hall presentation. When you sit mid-hall, the room/hall acoustics come into play & the sound is more diffuse. The instruments, OTOH, can be better identified 'cuz the further away you go from the stage, the sound integrates/comes together. When one is in row C, the sound has just left the instruments on the stage & so the ear is flooded w/ individual sounds coming from each instrument. It's great in 1 way as you can hear each instrument but it's bad in another way as it gives the feeling of "separate sound". Algo B does a better job of giving you "together sound". (Ha! what funny terms I have coined!!! I couldn't think of any better way to describe the sound as I hear it. So, please bear w/ me).
Anyway, there are some rock CDs for which Algo A is best but most of my Jazz & Blues CDs I use Algo B.