Anyone Heard the McCormack UDP-1?

Has anyone had a chance to listen to the McCormack UDP-1?
Even better does anyone own one? How is it? Has anyone seen any reviews posted?
Forgot to mention that my above suggestion is in the discussion forums, not in the product reviews.
for the $ the McCormack UDP-1 is really quite special. for redbook and dvd-a, it is simply incredible. i was able to a/b the UDP-1 with a number of dedicated DACs as well as the Esoteric DV-50. i don't have enough software on SACD to be able to properly evaluate SACD performance. peter moncrief wrote a fantastic and thorough review on it...
Is no one bothered by the test results in Stereophile which show that the MCcormick is not capable of hi-rez decoding? I guess it would not be a problem on the many discs, both DVD-A and SACD which don't contain hi-rez info anyway!
I for two, am very bothered by the test results that John Atkinson got on the UDP-1. I brought it up in a previous thread, but cannot remember which one.
"Is no one bothered by the test results in Stereophile which show that the MCcormick is not capable of hi-rez decoding?"

no, not really. i've always been more interested in how a piece of gear sounds than measures since measurements won't tell how the piece really sounds. and i place more importance on how it handles redbook since most of my software is on CD anyways.