Anyone Heard the McCormack UDP-1?

Has anyone had a chance to listen to the McCormack UDP-1?
Even better does anyone own one? How is it? Has anyone seen any reviews posted?
I for two, am very bothered by the test results that John Atkinson got on the UDP-1. I brought it up in a previous thread, but cannot remember which one.
"Is no one bothered by the test results in Stereophile which show that the MCcormick is not capable of hi-rez decoding?"

no, not really. i've always been more interested in how a piece of gear sounds than measures since measurements won't tell how the piece really sounds. and i place more importance on how it handles redbook since most of my software is on CD anyways.
I've got to say. I haven't read the review in stereophile. I'm glad I haven't. I've read at least 3 amazingly glowing reviews, and I have to agree with what I've read. The UDP-1 SOUNDS great on redbook, AND SACD in my system. I have no Idea how it MEASURES in my system. ;-)
