Resale value of modded CD players?

I am curious to hear people's opinions about this topic. We all know that the resale value of most high-end equipment ends up being around 50% of its retail value (age and wear are factors as well, of course). But what about equipment that has been modified, like the recent batch of modified universal players many are so interested in now (including myself). Do you think differently about the value of a player that has been heavily modified when it comes up for sale?

Just curious...
call me nuts but as soon as i read that its been modded i stop reading that second & move on.

weather a mod is good or bad is way too subjective to dirrerent peoples tastes & i much prefer stock gear as youll never know how the unit sounded in the first place if you buy it & its allready modded.

I disagree,

I think it comes down to who mod's the unit. For example Dan Wright, Stan Warren, Underwood, etc.; They have proven that their mods can bring "underachieving" or good players up quite a few notches, provide quality workmanship as well as excellent service. They just don't go willy-nilly and do a mod for the sake of modding, they think it through and do evaluations for results.

Now, if some Audiogon member did a mod, an extensive one and not just something simple like a cap upgrade, I would be hesitant.

I have sold two moded units thus far. I think that 50% is unduly low. On average these two got about 65% of new price. Much is going to depend on demand, of course.