Question for Quad 99 CD-P owners


I've got a question for the Quad 99 CD-P owners concerning its pre-amp function.
I'd like to know if I could plug a digital source (for example CD player) into the digital inputs of the 99 CD-P and get the sound on the variable output.
To make it clear, is this connexion possible:
DVD Player (numerical output) -> (numerical input) Quad 99 CD-P (variable analog output) -> Power amp

I'm asking this because I read that the quad would output extern numerical sources only on its digital output...

Thanks in advance for your answer,
I tried tonight to connect a toslink cable from the digital output of the CDP to one of the digital inputs. I found out that the CD player will not play when one of the digital inputs is selected.

Sorry, it won't work in the loop fashion that you desire.....


Tahnks Reubent for your answer!

I've ordered the Quad 99 CD-P a few days ago and should receive it soon.

Another question. Which one would give give the best result: using an optical connection between DVD player and Quad CDP or coaxial connexion?

Traditional thought is that coax is superior. However good coax can be expensive. I used a "Glass" toslink cable with good result. They can be purchased on AudiogoN or eBay for $29 and they are very good. I've read some reviews over at AudioAsylum stating that some folks have replaced their expensive coax with the cheap "glass" toslink.

For me, the DVD player is only for watching movies. I probably wouldn't notice a difference in toslink or coax.
