Jolida JD100 better that the Rega Planet 2000?

Hello all,

I am just wondering if anyone has compared the Planet 2000 to the stock Jolida JD-100 (with or without upgraded tubes).

Thanks Rbautista,

I really like Blue Circle gear. It sounds great for the price and the company has excellent customer service. Plus I am located in Canada as they are so I can get a bit better deal (not an extra middle man).

If you are ever looking I highly recommend them. I like my CS better than my old Bryston 3B/Linn preamp combo.

So I am going to stick with the BC line up and move to one of the power amps and use my integrated as a preamp. Then once money permits I will sell my Integrated for a better BC preamp.

I am currently thinking I am going to try the Jolida? But that could change. I if I can afford too (after buying a BC power amp) I think I will go strait to an Audio Aero Prima. We will see just how much money I have left over.

Happy listening,
I've owned 2 JD-100s, 2 Planet 2000s and a Rega Jupiter. I like the Jupiter best. The Jupiter, especially preowned, is an absolute audio bargain IMO
My local dealer wanted to sell me a Planet 2000 so I heard it in a few systems (not mine though). I ended up buying a JD100 and love it. Change the tubes to NOS Sylvania, GE, or RCA. I compared it head-to-head in same system with Granite 650, Thule 150b and Music Hall CD25. The Jolida was a clear winner for me. Good luck! Arthur

Rega Planet 2000 and Jupiter are good players .. as everyone else stated it may be because of the tubes Jolida is more musical .. I bought JD-100 Mod 1, after comparing it with Rega (both), NAD silver series, Arcam FMJ 23. I am happy with Jolida JD 100, but in my case it was good upgrade from Modified Samsung DVD player, I am not sure that is the case with you if you want to move up from Rega Planet 2000, given the choice I will wait till I can afford Audio Aero Prima.


because i so enjoy being the voice of dissent. . .

i didn't care for the jolida when i heard it side-by-side with the original planet.

i thought it was a bit loose and tubby. i've only heard it the one time, though, so i'm not qualified to have a strong opinion on it. i ended up going with the planet at that time.

but, seeing as i prefered the original planet to it, and the planet 2000 to the original, that would mean i considerably prefer the planet 2k over the jolida.

oh, and the jupiter's even better.