cdp digital volume control or preamp?

Hello Gon'ers!
I am currently running my Music Hall Maverick SACD player, which has a remote volume control (digital) directly into a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 amp. It sounds very good, but I wondered if I would get better sound going through a good pre-amp. What do you all think? Some suggestions for pre-amps that match well with my existing gear would be welcome, too.

Blkadr, there are not lots of opinions here. You're confusing this with the argument of analog volume controls on CDP's vs the use of preamps.

We're talking digital volume controls here, which -always- lose information at lower volumes. Period.
Something else to chew on... this is my upstairs system and there is only one source component. Since I don't need the source switching functions of a pre-amp, is there another alternative to the digital volume control besides a pre-amp?
This is a little off topic but this is the reason I did not buy the APL modded CD/SACD player. It is volume controlled digitally, Alex called it non decimating if I remember correctly, whereas Dan's Modwright Sony CD/SACD player has a high quality analog volume control. This is the one I bought. It sounds very good IMHO.