cdp digital volume control or preamp?

Hello Gon'ers!
I am currently running my Music Hall Maverick SACD player, which has a remote volume control (digital) directly into a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 amp. It sounds very good, but I wondered if I would get better sound going through a good pre-amp. What do you all think? Some suggestions for pre-amps that match well with my existing gear would be welcome, too.

This is a little off topic but this is the reason I did not buy the APL modded CD/SACD player. It is volume controlled digitally, Alex called it non decimating if I remember correctly, whereas Dan's Modwright Sony CD/SACD player has a high quality analog volume control. This is the one I bought. It sounds very good IMHO.
Sorry, jerky of me to shoot something down without answering the question! It doesn't necessarily need to be a preamp- I believe you can simply add an outboard analog volume control. That said, I don't know if there are any quality ones made. And as Blkadr mentioned, you can consider passive v active preamps.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could send SACD through that Birdland??
Funny you should say that, Lousyreeds1. The Birdland DAC even says "24/192/SACD" on the front panel! Birdland was hoping to provide an upgrade path someday, but it's not likely forthcoming.

I would appreciate any information about an audiophile quality analog volume control.

The Dehavilland Verve and Ultra Verve are on my list. Also, the Blue Circle BC 21.1.

I've heard the BC21.1 together with a Sonic Frontiers amp (not sure which one) and thought it sounded great. Whether you'd prefer it over your cdp direct to the amp is a personal perference. In my limited experience with cdps w/volume controls direct to amp, I'd say going direct gives you a more transparent sound, but sound a tad flat with less depth and texture than an active preamp.

disclaimer: I am a Blue Circle dealer, and I love their preamps! :-)