Reimyo CDP vs EMM Labs/Meitner

Has anyone compared the performance of these two excellent CD player combos???
One clear advantage of the EMM Labs/Meitner over the Reimyo is the preamp built into the DAC. You can spare interconnects and reduce further any coloration of the sound. Also there is some savings on the preamp but again the EMM Labs/Meitner is much more expensive that the Reimyo but then again you get the SACD as well. It's a tough call and I am sure in the best systems they are both great.
Rich, I owned the Accuphase DP-75V before I bought my EMM CDSD/DCC2 combo. The Meitner is in another league altogether. While the Accuphase CDP does a lot of things well, I found it to be significantly lacking in treble extension. The Meitner gear will give you better frequency extension, better dynamics and better imaging and soundstaging. In addition, you would be getting what is possibly the best SACD playback system currently available. I have not yet heard the Reimyo, so I can't offer any insight on that front.
Mike, How would you say the EMM betters the Lin CD12 you once owned?

Thanks much,
Jason; i got one of the first DAC6/modified Philips and prior to breakin slightly preferred the CD-12 (the CD-12 had a slightly lower noise floor, greater detail and more snap and micro-dynamics.....the emmlabs was more dynamic and had a larger soundstage).

after breakin i would call them a draw.....the emmlabs had come very close to the CD-12 on it's strengths but the emmlabs still had an advantage in dynamics and soundstage.

then i sent the modified Philips in for a change in chips (the original chip in the Philips would only recognize 15 of the 16 bits of redbook). now the emmlabs pulled clearly ahead of the CD-12 as the additional bit lowered the noise floor, improved detail and snap......there was not a huge difference but i clearly preferred the emmlabs on redbook and there was no performance area where the CD-12 was better.

then 18 months later i got the new CDSD the performance had improved by a huge factor and now the CD-12 is definitely at a lower level of redbook performance. the emmlabs has much greater presence, lower noise-floor, greater dynamic micro and macro-dynamics and a more weighty and fleshed out soundstage.

the CD-12 remains in the ballpark of any other redbook player i have heard (i haven't heard everything).

the sacd performance of the emmlabs has always been considerably better than the redbook performance.
Thanks much, Mike! I was always wondering about that. Your description leaves me no questions.
