Need some advise on DAC's please....

I'm just getting into the digital thing in a serious way. I have had many different one box players (Wadia, Shanling, Sony, Carey) etc. over the years, and Now, it looks like it's time for the separates? Advise please. The Transport will be the Oracle CD2000 for sure. The "DAC" on the other hand is the question? Need, to know what will be the most logical choice. Be it the Zanden, the Stax, the Jadis, The What? please comment.
As for the rest of the system? it's tubes, and Vinyl "TRL" and "Verdier" La Paltine, Along with the SME/Koetsu combo.
Thanks in advance,
Film @ 11

After, VERY careful listening, and budgetary concerns.(No BURMESTER, or MBL 1611's ) The winner is the "Zanden" MKIV. I ordered it on Sunday, May 30th. It should arrive by the this next weekend Friday, June 3rd. I will of course be unavailbale as I plan on going into a audio coma!
Again thanks to all.
Dodson 218, Stax X1T (really liked it) Levinson 35 w/HDCD, Wadia 27IX 3.0 and of course the Zanden MKIV. Again, the budget was a pivotal turning point for me. If I decide to get out of the digital thing? at least I can sell of the Zanden quickly, But if I really make a commitment to this media? then the Zanden Transport will be the next addition. As I understand it the Zanden/Zanden combo KILLS when placed together? ...SO to sum it up, I really don't have the time to sample all the stuff I want to (EMM Labs,MBL, etc)Nor the dealers. So, time is just as important in the final equation.