Please help for performance with low cash......

For reasons beyond my control I am for lack of better word "poor" and I want to get the best CD play as possible for the money.....$300 or less. As I see it I have a few options but need to know the best one from you more experienced folks.

1) I could buy a used higher quality DVD/CD or a stand alone CD player (wich is another box on the rack and WAF ISSUES) and ALSO be at the mercy of an aged unit.

2) I could have my Samsung HD841 moddified, but the price goes from $150.00 to upwards of 1k and I am not sure exactly who does the best mod's, or how well the mods will perform when done.

3) I can buy a DAC and use my Rotel Processor feature wich will allow a 2 channel bypass of everything except the volume control.

I would like to know what opinions you have on best choice out of these options, the only other idea I have is to do a DIY upgrade to the Sammy's power supply, and dampen it a bit (wich is only a partial mod that I could do myself) and use an external DAC on top of it.

I know none of these options are gonna be the best performance out there, but what out of these is the BEST option I have being in my position?

thaks again for helping me out..Chad
I thought you had already taken option 1?

IMO, your best option is not on your list. Be patient. Save some extra dough as you can and keep your eyes peeled for a great deal on a better quality redbook player.

I know what it's like trying to keep the upgrade wolves at bay, but in the long run, you'll end up getting better deals, better quality gear and fewer disapproving looks from the better half.
Post removed 
Hey Looney,
Yes I did have option 1 in the works, but Medicade isnt covering a medication I need to survive, so that deal fell through. thanks for everyones help!
Chad: Go here:
The Onix XCD-88 is the same player as the Music Hall. It's made by Shanling. Do a search in the digital area of Audioasylum as this was discussed recently. For 300 on sale it's a great deal as I believe that's half of what Music Hall wants. With a 3 year warranty it's a no brainer.
Heya Warner...good to see you! and thanks for the tip...still dreamin of speakers here