Onkyo DV-SP1000 or Pioneer DV-59AVi?

Hi Guys,
I am putting together a relatively budget system for my Den, and I am looking at purchasing a great sounding universal player.
I have narrowed down my choices to either the Pioneer DV-59AVi or the Onkyo DV-SP1000.
I have briefly listened to the Onkyo, but not the Pioneer.
I like the idea of the Pioneer because of its solid reputation for reliability, Burr-Brown DAC's, and its reputation for good sonics and supposedly great video.
Being able to purchase it online in the $750.00 to $850.00 range delivered also helps!
I like the Onkyo because of its SOLID construction, great video, and according to the European press...great sonics.
On the other hand, I have read that some of the Onkyo's have a lip-sync issue, maybe some slight video noise, and the price is slightly high compared to the Pioneer.
I also don't know how good the Wolfson DAC's are in the Onkyo?
Has anyone out there owned both of these units, or compared them?
If so, could you tell me how they compare both sonically, and on video?
Please don't bring up the Denons or the Marantz DV-9500, as I have already ruled them out.
Thanks for your help guys!

I'm sure those are both good players and I have a friend that owns and loves the Pioneer. However, I'm looking for a player now too and I'm leaning toward the Sony DVP-NS999ES. Of course, it is not truely universal as it does not play DVD-A, but there is a major resurgence of interest in this player for both its sonic qualities and picture quality.

There was a recent thread here discussing the preference of the Sony over a ML 390S and other very expensive players for sonic qualities. Also, there are several recent threads on AVSforum speaking about the preference of the Sony over many/all of the new high end upscaling/HDMI players for video quality.

If you are at all interested in the Sony, I know an excellent Sony ES dealer that is selling it at a considerable discount and less than the lowest price I've ever seen for the Pioneer you mentioned.

Not trying to hijack the thread, but this renewed interest in this older player has got me thinkin'........

BTW, the dealer mentioned sells the Onkyo too and he is a tweak geek. He could likely give you the skinny on both players.


I'm sorry for bringing it up by why have you ruled out the denon's? I think you could get a modded denon for that price, that might be better than both.
From what I have heard and read from various sources, the Denons seem to have some quality control issues, some of them refuse to play CD's, and some seem to suffer from some slight macroblocking issues on certain video material.
These things are what made me rule out the Denons.
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Even if it is "the current king of the hill at anywhere near this price range", I would not want to deal with the possible issues, I have read about, that I named above.
I have two local friends who also had numerous QC problems with the Denons. One wound up buying a used Esoteric DV-50 and the other wound up buying a used Arcam FMJ DV-27A.