Benchmark Dac1 + Rotel 1072

What kind of a combination do you think this would be? I want an HDCD capable player used for $500, or below and this seems one of the top candidates. I would also hook it up to my CD/DVD carousel. Additionally, I was thinking of the Musical Fidelity tube buffer to but in one of the paths as an option.

Any comments, or input would be welcome!
I like the Rotel 1072.

Even though I've upgraded, I haven't sold mine yet. I'm not trying to make a sale. In fact, I'm not listing it yet, but I would recommend the Rotel even though there is a lot of competition at that price range. Do you have a Benchmark Dac1 now? How does it sound if so?

No, I don't have one yet. Right now I have an EAD 7000 DSP MKIII DAC. I really like it a lot--very smooth, but my ML speakers are so revealing I think I would like to try for something a little more detailed and 3 dimensional. Have been considering it and the Bel Canto Dac2. According to Emperical audio the mods to the Benchmark end up being better, so that was the direction I was leaning. Any other suggestions for used cd players that have HDCD to accompany that DAC? Right now there is a Cary 308 up, but at about double what I was thinking originally I would spend. I don't think I can swing it right now. I have been waiting and waiting to purchase a universal player for my system.

Does anyone know what kind of quality CD sound to expect from Cary's new universal players--DVD7 & DVD8?
If I am not mistaken, Bel Canto recommends pairing the BC DAC with a DVD player. If you're considering the BC DAC ver 2, then pairing the unit with a CARY DVD or universal player would be a great choice. I have a modded Bel Canto DAC 1.1 connected to a Denon 2800 MKII DVD player and the results are better then my original setup which had the Bel Canto connect to a rotel CDP. Tough choice between the Benchmark and the BC as both units have been very well reviewed. For my setup, I wanted the best of both worlds- a great CDP an DVD player and achieved it with the Bel canto.
Using a recent manufacture dvd player would be the way to go with the Bel Canto or the Benchmark. The reason why is that many recent dvd players will output a 96k signal. You must check the owner's manual of the player or go through the menu set-ups to be certain. Using a 96k datastream into these dacs will allow you to play dvd-a and dad discs with full resolution.