A good CD player for about $ 1,500 used?


I am putting together a second system in my bedroom and I am looking for a decent, used, CD player. My budget for the CD player is around $ 1,500. I listen to jazz music (mostly small combos/hard bop). The CD player in my main system is an Electrocompaniet ECM 1. Thank you for your help. Pablo.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpablovila
I would think a Meridian 508.24 would work quite nicely. They are getting a bit old now so it might be worth contacting Meridian regarding transport replacement availability and cost.

By the way the Goldring 1042 that I bought from you is working out very nicely.
Buy a new AH! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 with all the upgrades and enjoy.

$1,246.00 all decked out and ready to party.

I've had one for a couple years and couldn't be happier.

I bought a Muse model 9 sig gen 3 DVD/CD player and it sounds very close in performance to an Electrocompaniet ECM1UP, (whatever the exact name of their newest is). The Electro was more open and smooth but the Muse had a fuller range of midtones with similar bass. I bought mine for $1350 used.
An Audio Aero Prima can be had for about $1500 used. I listened to Linn Genki, Unison Unico CDP, Rega Planet; the Prima was much nicer than either of these. So far I have not heard a CDP that presents a piano with so much realism. There is a lot of information in the Agon archives about the Prima.

Good luck with your search.
