"My question is: do cartridges have a burn-in period after which the sounds is fuller or better?? If so, what exactly is breaking in?? stylus, cartridge coilings??"
Of all the components in an audio system, the phono cart changes the most in sound from break in. Its not even close. I've had cartridges that sounded defective when they were new. For the first 10 or 20 hours, you can usually hear a difference from record to record.
As far as what's breaking in, its a mechanical device like a speaker.
Of all the components in an audio system, the phono cart changes the most in sound from break in. Its not even close. I've had cartridges that sounded defective when they were new. For the first 10 or 20 hours, you can usually hear a difference from record to record.
As far as what's breaking in, its a mechanical device like a speaker.