CD...then the SACD...all over again

Look, I'm one of the biggest defenders of SACD around. I own a lot of SACDs, I try to defend the format against attacks whenever possible, and I keep up to date on new high resolution releases.

But even I can hit a breaking point. I'm SO tired of buying a Patricia Barber CD...only to have the SACD come out 6 months later (roughly). Then I get the hi-res version. Then it happens again with her next release. And her next one.

Before you know it, I've spent 40 bucks to get her SACD ($25 for that disc, plus the $15 I laid down for the Redbook version).

In a perfect world, there would be one release: a Mobile Fidelity hybrid SACD. Barring that, AT LEAST the hi- and lo-res versions could come out simultaneously.

When they're starting to alienate even me, you *know* there's a serious problem!
Hi -
Excuse the intrusion into this thread. I have, what many will think is, a dumb question. Oh well - what else is new. :-)

How does one move the music, which is accumulated on a hard drive, or mp3 player, to their audiophile rig? Do people have computer hard drives connected directly to their preamp? Or do they burn their stored music, to a "CD", then carry it to their "CD player"?

Just curious. Thanks

Some people use hard drives as the source. I'll let them comment on that. I was refering to the general public though if you were asking about my statement. Most of the people I know don't have seperate preamps.

Rob, how is your experience with MP3 sound on your home system? I have burned several CDs with songs downloaded from my iPod (and from my laptop) and played them on my home system. The sound was...very disappointing, even slightly inferior to CD sound.

I have no complaint about MP3 on my iPod or in the car but it show its limitations with the higher resolution of my home system. Have you heard of any plan for a higher quality format than MP3? As it stands, it reminds me of VHS tapes: convenient, cheap, hugely popular but not for serious viewing. The immediate popularity of DVDs shows that the public can and will appreciate higher quality format if convenience and price are not sacrificed.

I am all for a hard-drive based format--at least my hard drives won't be obsolete any time soon--but it must be better than MP3. Will there something like that out there soon?
Justin time,

I don't have an Ipod, and I don't use my hard drive in my hi fi system. I was talking about the target market "most of the population" for Sony, Phillips, etc. to make products that the market will demand, and that demand will be based on features and convenience (e.i. popularity of Ipod).

I dissagree with you about why DVD's eliminated VHS. DVD's are much more convenient (no rewinding), they have more features, they last longer, are smaller, more durable, etc. Beta max was better quality than VHS. but no one seemed to care.

As for me I like LPs, SACD and CD. I just see no reason why the mp3 format and whatever else betters that won't continue for the general public. Why would they need a newer type of CD?

Good debate by the way Justin time.

Not a debate, Rob. Just a friendly exchange of opinion.

I don't understand the rush to get HD DVD out either. Why do the Sony camp & the Toshiba camp both think that the public needs a higher resolution format?

And if the public does want highr resolution, why a new HD DVD disc rather than something to superseed MP3?

It will be interesting to see how all this will pan out.