New Midrange vs. Older High-End CD Transports

A have a Denon 2900 Univeral player that I had been using as a CD transport, but decided to purchase an older Krell MD-20 since I thought it would have better sound. I had been listening merrily along, when I came along a CD that had a lot of tracking errors on the Krell. I checked the CD on the Denon, and it played flawlessly. I then decided to do a serious listening comparison between the two (both using the same DA converter), and realized I could not hear any difference, which surprised me, given the much more expensive (even at today’s prices) Krell.

What are the opinions of older high-end CD transports vs. newer less expensive ones? I am amazed at how much better the newer Denon tracks problematic CD’s, but as mentioned was surprised at the lack of sonic difference.
For whatever reason, all DVD based players
track better than any CD player I have tried over the years. I have a special CD to check tracking errors, and the best CD player I have tried was able to read a data drop out up to 1,5mm. My cheap Yamaha DVD plays up to 3mm of drop out without any problem. But it sounds nowhere near as good through its digital out.
I use an early 90s sony CDP X55ES. The build quailty is very good it has 2 transformers a copper caseing + weights in at 33lbs but the clock + dac in it are old so I run it into a Monarehy DIP ( anti jitter box ) which reclocks it and sends it to an custom made ( TDK 1543) nonsampling Dac. It has out performed any Mid range many high range that I have tried.
I'm using Krell transport for 12yars now and never had problem with tracking, don't even know what are you talking about. While I agree that price tag for older Krell was a joke, i.e. my KPS 20t was about $7000, but at least it tracks and sounds much better then Philips 963-a, that's for sure. I agree with Gs5556, that if the rest of your system is not revealing enough, you might not hear much difference.