Any Issues with Levinson 37

I am looking into buying a used Levinson 37 transport where the number of hours on the unit is unknown. Everything seems to work fine (I have it out on loan), the drawer works smoothly and all the mechanics seem sound. Played a few disk and there were no problems.

I wanted to find out what types of issues people have had with this unit, is the laser and transport mechanism still made, etc. . . Just trying to find out what I am getting into. I do know it sounds wonderful.

Thank you.
I just had my 37 send in for repair this past April and they wanted $1000.00 up front for the service and all the basically did was replace the rubber band and clean it up. But I will say, the unit now works like new. Like Chris said if there a problem it will be with the draw. The person who I purchase my from was not up front with me, so take your time and check it out completely. Also FYI the 360s DAC was $1200.00 but that’s another story.

What was wrong with your 37 that you sent it in for service??

I guess I am trying to get a handle on whether the 37 is a problematic or temperamental unit. Having owned other pieces of Levinson equipment, I do understand that cost of ownership is not cheap; however this is the first ML piece I have owned with moving parts.

The cost of my 37s new rubber band and "gelling" was the equivalent of $100.Servicing done by the official importers of Levinson gear to my country.

How can HSG ask $1000 for the equivalent service in the States ??


My Proceed CDD went for "the rubber band and gel" service once.My 37 needs to go back now for the third time.....This time due to my two year old daughters "interest" in my equipment.

Whether this is problematic or temperamental depends on your own personal view,I guess.

The point is,I bought it used,so the purchase price was good.Also,cant really go for anything else that is nearly as good ,because it will be much more expensive.So,I'm happy to keep it.Also,my servicing are inexpensive and fast.If iI,however, had to pay $1000 for the exercise,it would change my point of view completely !

Just to clarify:
Levinson did come out with the flat rate policy a few months back, $1000 for Proceed and "regular" Levinson pieces, $1200 for "S" versions and $1500 for reference. They have since recanted this policy and now charge $100 an hour plus parts, I guess up to the preapproved limit listed above. A much better policy.
I have owned a 37 in the past and only sold it to move into a PMDT, couldn't afford both at the time. I didn't have any problems with either unit.