CD Jewel cases - Over 20 years and no improvement

We are over 20 years with CD now and CD Jewel cases still use delicate hinge points. I have hard wood floors and everytime I drop a jewel case it is almost a given that one of the weak hinge points is going to break. I purchased a David Sanborn (hybrid) CD earlier this year and it had much beefier hinge points, I was hoping this was a sign of things to come, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Am I alone in this frustration? If not, is there a way our voice can be heard, like flooding (whomever) with emails?

there are lots of quality differences in cases from different manufacturers. the maxell is better than most(not as delicate)......a jewel case can run from 7 cents to 25 cents to a music label and the difference in quality in huge. needless to say, most take the cheapest route.
Fatparrot, I couldn't find a blue flame pin-point lighter, but the local Army Surplus store just made me a sweet deal on a backpack style flame thrower. I think I have the flame fully pin-pointed and nice-n-blue. I now should be able to scortch an opening into shrink-wrap at 30 yards, and I won't have to mow the lawn for a while now either. But I blew the new cd buying budget on this new tool. So would anyone like to loan me some of their new cd's for opening?
Sorry Audiobugged, I .. uh .. can't seem to locate any unopened cd's right now. You know, I was thinking about switching to all vinyl; maybe I'll go that route so no need to look in your mailbox for any cd's from me ;-) LOL at your post!
I don't have any new cd's BUT - You can come "mow" my lawn. :-D LOL!!!
Ever since hearing about the "disconnect lower hinge, flip cover up, peel away security sticker" procedure, I no longer get angry opening CD cases. My life became much more blissful and relaxed, and I owe it all to audiogon.

Unfortunately, my problem now seems to be DVD center locks--those funny plastic thingamabobs that hold the DVD in the actual case... I believe you are supposed to press down on the center while removing the CD. Since I'm usually standing in front of my CD/DVD holding the case in one hand, performing a push in the center and pull on the outside lip with one hand invariably seems to result in bending the DVD into a U shape. I'm surprised I haven't broken one. Maybe my fingers are just too fat.