Best Small Speaker NOT B&W's 805N?

We auditioned B&W's Nautilus 805's in our living room and they sounded great. Unfortunately, my wife doesn't like the aesthetic styling of the B&W's and would prefer a more tradional looking box. We'd like to listen to some alternatives before making our final choice and would appreciate some help. Our living room is sonically awkward, because it is large and very bright. The windows and the furniture are situated to take advantage of some lovely views; but this makes speaker placement difficult. Still, we can create a quite nice near-field listening environment so long as the speakers we use are roughly the size of the B&W 805N's. We listen mostly to jazz, particularly piano and vocal. We would appreciate suggestions for 'best' speakers that are similar in size to the B&W's but with a more traditional look to them. Thanks in advance for your help! Kurt ield . look of the tweeter sitting on top of the box We have a living room in which the furniture layout prohibits anythin auditioned the B&W 805 Nautilus y wife and I
I have very much enjoyed my avalon monitors. I listened to many of the mini-monitors listed here and the avalons were by far the most analytical (you mentioned how you had enjoyed hearing things you hadn't noticed before). They probably aren't as dynamic as the revels but when mated with the right front end, they are beautiful to look at and sound tremendous. They aren't sold retail anymore but if you keep your eye out you can find them occasionally on the internet. Good luck
Hi! Lamm's web site is You should look at their site & read some of their reviews. If you are interested, a home demo could be arranged through my dealer here. My e-mail is
We had shoot out with the following speakers last week: B&W N805, Dunlavy SM-1, & Dynaudio Contour 1.3mkII. It was the first time I had heard any of them, including the just released Dunlavy SM-1. The SM-1 was so far superior, that we thought there might be something wrong with the others. You should have a listen to all 3 (all of which are about the same price). Also, when reading the hifi magazines, keep in mind who is advertising the most, and who's getting the press that follows. 1 page ads in some of the hifi mag's run in the $10,000.00 per page range. Keep this in mind. SM-1's are the best monitor we have EVER heard. I purchased a pair for myself in Kavazinga wood. If you know what live music sounds like, then this is the speaker for you!
Try these small speakers: Dynaudio 1.3 MkII; Harbeth HL-P3 ES; Harbeth HL-K6; Proac Response 1SC or Tablettes; Spendor (I forgot the model); Totem Model 1; They are all good/classic spkrs. Some are used for monitoring reference (i.e. Harbeths), and some are regarded as good-all-rounders. If you really want to get a small speakers that can sing, get LS 3/5a. They are manufactured by KEF, Spendor, Rogers, and Harbeth. Good luck! PS: I personally use Harbeth Compact 7. Not so small, but can be categorized as standmount spkrs in the US.