Amplifiers for ProAcs

I am looking for a surround sound processor/power amp. for Proac speakers - Response 1.5 main speakers, CC1 center and Tablette rears. Dealer recommended Harmon Kardon Signature Series. I have also seen used Lexicon DC-1 with ATI combinations on the net for sale. Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated. System is used probably more for home theatre. Both packages come to around $3,300
I'd second the suggestion of McCormack amps for Proacs. I've used a DNA 0.5 Deluxe with both the Response 2s and Studio 150 and both combinations sounded spectacular.
proac recommends audio research ls-16 or ls-25 (w/a-r 100.2 amps). as both of these preamps allow a default pass-thru setting for a h-t processor to control all the speakers, i'd definitely do that...