Amplifiers for Vandersteen 2CE Sigs???

I have looked at several speakers in this price range and have decided to purchase the Vandy’s. Additionally I want to purchase some quality SS electronics. What have you found to be a synergistic match?? I have looked at the following as possibilities: Separates: Classe Audio CA-101/CP-35 (the only combo I was able to audition) Bryston 3B-ST/ (no preamp found here as the Brystons are to pricey) Integrated: Classe CAP-151 Krell KAV-300i The preamp MUST have a remote control. The Acurus sounded terrible (although to be fair it may have been the cheapo Yamaha DVD player that was hooked up to the Acurus) CD Player: recommendations must be under $700 list (to much happening in this arena to invest more at this time) I want to hear both your success stories as well as matches you found to be poor. I will also consider quality used equipment. Thank You Alan B.
I bought a used, standard McCormack DNA 0.5 at the same time I bought my 2CE Sigs. I'd owned a B&K 140 and compared the two amps. The McCormack's incredibly clean and pure sounding. It tightens and extends the Vandy's base giving the speakers a real sense of punch and rythym without sacrificing their musicality. I don't think you can do wrong with the McCormack's. They're a great deal for the money, especially used and they can be upgraded indefinitely either through McCormack (now a subsidy of Conrad Johnson, I believe) or through Steve McCormack himself. I'd upgrade now except I'm looking to treat myself to a better turntable first.
Lots of amplifiers work well. I auditioned several for my Vandersteens. Favorites in order: 1) Audio Research VT100mk2, VTL ST-85 & IT 85 (very cheap!), and McCormack DNA-1. McCormack has ALWAYS been a great solid state match for the Vandersteens. The VTL integrated (IT-85) is an 85 watt $2400 integrated amp. I thought it sounded great with the 2eSigs.
I've owned 2ce's for years and have had several amps hooked up. They are very forgiving, warm and a bit soft, so I recommend an amp that has tight, snappy bass and good rhythm. I used a Linn amp to great effect, but don't do that unless you also use a Linn preamp. The SimAudio integrated amp would be worth an audition, as would Musical Fidelity.
after careful listening, my friend, an m.d. who plays piano in his living room, rejected rowland electronics, and endded up with arc sp9 and classic 60 to run his vandy 2ce spks. true, these arent sigs but the family sound is much the same. the sound was a match made in heaven. ive lusted after the 60 and sp9 ever since.