Best loudspeaker on the 3k range???

Which is the best speaker for the 3k range? An used Merlin VSM with BAM? or a B&W Nautilus 804? or the NOVA Bravo?
It's not hard to understand why there are so many loudspeaker manufacturer's judging by the responses above. Now the poor guy is really confused as am I. I sure wish I could listen to all listed so I could really know for myself. I recently acquired a pair of Merlin VSM-SE's and I can say they sure are revealing, detailed, dynamic and positively breathtaking on well recorded material. They are going to take some careful system matching so I can get the best out of them. I don't think there is a limit to their capabilities but that may prove to be a double edged sword with these babies. I now know why people unload them, not enough patience to get them to their optimum. I expect that they may be unsurpassed if you are willing to go the distance with them. I have never heard a speaker that surpasses them at their best. They are throughbreds all the way.
Hales Revelation two or three, or save your pennies for Transcendence three
NHT 2.9's list for $2500, sell for about $1500 used. Very low base and amazing wide soundstage. Open and detailed sound. Can play very loud. I compared these to PBS stratus golds and the PSB's sounded like they had wet rags hung over the drivers. May be a bit analytical and forward for some ears, don't know what you like in a speaker.
Do yourself a favour find a Coincident dealer and have a listen.Better than most speakers twice the price.Hearing is believing.
in responce to everyone I own a pair of 804s and biwired i happen to like then. Alot. The only way to figure out what speaker to buy is to go to a store with a few cd's and FIRGURE OUT WHAT SPEAKER TO BUY.