Comments on the Sonus Faber Grand Piano

Any comments on the Sonus Faber Grand Piano Speakers to work in my living room with the BAT VK-D5 CD Player and Bow Wazoo Integrated amp? During my first test listen, I found them very open, musical and they seem to just let the music flow. Base response was acceptable but not down to the lowest of notes. I am going back for another listen and am asking for more opinions. Budget is $4K (but can go to $5K). Speaker size is very important for my wife and sound quality for me. thanks...
I own a pair of these (also have Concertos and Concertinos in secondary systems). I listened to all kinds of things before buying them. I think they're stunning in terms of clarity, detatail and mucicalilty. The low end doesen't blow you away most of the time, but I think it gets it right. If it's in the music, you'll hear it. I just had a musician friend listen to one of his CDs on my system, and he said it never sounded better to him.
If you do decide on purchasing the Sonus Faber Grand Pianos, I highly recommend you buy them from Paolo. He regularly posts on this site, and ships directly from Italy at a savings of 25-30%. Service is excellent...better than here in the states. Regards, Frank
I second the opinion on ordering from Paolo. I recently got a pair of Amator 1's from him and the dealings were exceptional.
I may be a bit late, but the new Sonus Faber Grand Piano HOME's are fantastic. There is no shortage of bass with these. Across all dimensions, they are better than the originals by a wide margin IMHO.
Disagree with the last statement. The HOME version is less musical than the original one. Maybe better for Home Cinema or so. Not for music...