Magnepan break-in?

Hello! Can some Magnepan owners share some of their thoughts with me? I just purchased a set of 1.6QR's (actually, purchased them 4 months ago and just got them) and want to know what to expect from them. I haven't lived with dipoles for many years but know how critical their setup can be. My question is how will the sound change over time and how long does the "transformation" take? I would describe the initial sound as being somewhat "hard" and analytical, especially in the lower treble. I do not think my associated equipment is causing what I'm hearing and hope that the Maggies just need some break-in time. Should I give them some time to break-in or am I hearing them as they sound? Thanks in advance for your insight. Mike
Go to audio under "speakers" you will find a new site for us Maggies owners called MUG. You cn get alot of info from people there about Maggies, I have 1.6s it takes about 100 hours to break them in, the bass will sound much better, it will go a little deeper than when you first hear it, also the top end will smooth out alot, some of what is about placement is right, but do check out the site I`ve told you about. Greg
When I got my MMG's four years ago, they took about 250 hours of loud playing to break in fully. My amp was 300 watts rms, then. Now, it's 500. I don't think you can burn these things out!!
And I use ASC traps in the small room with the Maggies, and the bass pitch definition is better in some ways than my Sennheiser 600 headphones...that says a lot!! The main thing they need is the ASC Frescoes right behind them and just inside their spacing, against the wall. Turn the midrange diffusor side toward the wall, so the absorbative side faces the back of the speaker. Very awesome indeed...
Coiling up a silver wire and sticking it in place of the tweeter fuse works great, also. I know the manual says not to, but it's worth the risk.
I'd give them 400 hours to break in. After the first 100, the differences will be extremely subtle, but the aggregate improvement after 400 will be stunning...if you observe the earlier poster's advice to take extreme pains to focus them.