The Best Speakers for a Small Room

I am looking for a pair of speakers for my relatively small (approximately 12x14 ft) listening/living room. I have a McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe power amplifer and a Meridian 506.24 CD player. I listen to a lot of different types of music, but mostly to progressive rock (Yes, ELP, King Crimson, Genesis, Gentle Giant), jam bands (Moe., Dave Matthews Band, Phish, String Cheese Incident) bluegrass, and jazz (both fusion and a lot of traditional acoustic). . . in general, very busy music. Does anyone have suggestions for speakers that would match well with my listening room size, electronics, and musical tastes? And yes, before you say it Carl, I realize that room treatment is absolutely critical and will act accordingly. I would prefer to keep the price around $1500 (new or used), but could go up to $2000 if there was something really special out there. Thanks to any and all that respond!
I seen a number of Pro Ac Response 2s' on Audiogon for about $1300 - that would be a great speaker for a smallish room. The clarity and detail those speakers would provide would be a great match for the "busy" music you listed as well as the clear jazz recordings. I have had the Studio 1s for years, listening to a similar mix of tunes, and they're great for hearing all of the work those artists put into the mix. Well worth checking out...
I have a small room with similar dimensions (in which I listen to just about everything but C&W). I have Vienna Acoustics Haydn monitors and a Rel subwoofer. The Haydns have gossamer detail, and the Rel puts out tight, thunderous bass. Best of all, the balance is almost infinitely adjustable. I couldn't be happier
Small room: Spendor 3/5s, slightly larger room: Spendor 1/2s. The best midrange of any box speaker and a smooth, never tiring presentation.
Go to your nearest pro-sound or music equipment/recording equipment dealer and check out the Mackie HR-824 powered studio monitors. These speakers are becoming standards in the recording field for their extreme accuracy. A pair will cost about $1000- to $1200 depending on new or used. They are not large, about 12x10x10 but have a frequency response of 39-20k + or - 1.5db.! And these specs have been tested. If you get a chance go to their website and read some of the reviews. I haven't had a chance to listen to all of the speakers that have been recommended. I know the Dunlavy 111 frequency response is as good as the Mackie's but they're 6ft.tall. Add a sub such as the Carver and take no prisoners! Happy Hunting!