Best Subwoofer(s) for SF Guarneri Homage

Recently purchase a pair of Sf Guarneri Homage's. I knew i would need a sub (or two) eventually, since my musical tastes spans range from chamber music to rock. My room is dedicated but small (12.9 x 14 feet with 8ft ceilings) I am still working on speaker positioning to get the 40 hz and up range just right. Rest of the system is full blown LP12 (Lingo, Ekos, Arkv) into a Linto pre-pre into a BAT VK5iSe, into Bryston 7B ST's. Interconnects are Emerald x3 (all balanced except for tonearm cable and pre-pre tp pre) and speaker cables are AQ Argent in a bi-wire configuration. Digital duties performed by A Muse 8 into a Muse 296. Have heard good things about REL, but no way to audition (no local dealer).. so thinking of going the Velodyne HGS route. Thoughts? This is a "first iteration" system cobbled together "on the run" as I moved back to the US last month and had to jettison most of my 220 volt equipment, so any comments/thoughts beyond the sub are welcome!! I find the tonal balance a tad bright, and the SFGH's don't quite "click" unless pushed fairly hard (95 dB peaks or so measured from the listening positioning). Thanks! Alex
The best sub i'v heard is the Aerial SW 12 Subwoofer. This sub sounds amazing on Movies and Music. The Paradigm servo 15 is very good to.
Ivysound, question about Sonus Faber Extremas. I know someone that has the Sonus Faber Extremas. That speaker has to be the hardest speaker, to get a sub to blend in with them. He tried using the Rel and Velodyne F1800 sub on them and they didn't sound right. I'm curious how your luck has been using 2 rel subs. Email me at
Well, having lived with the Guarneri/REL combo for a few months, I am thinking about thaking the sub out. Even at it's lowest crossover setting, the sub generates output up to 50 Hz, and leads to a hump at arounf 40 Hz given the Guarneri's respectable output (in my room) at this frequency. I guess this is due to REL's crossover desing, which does not cut off output abrubtly. Still have a couple of tweks to try (positioning). Does anyone know if the Velodyne subs allow you to set a sharper high pass cut off than the RELs?
alexc, get a passive sub - or better still - two (i like my vmps') & an active outboard crossover. i like my marchand xm-9, which is 24db/octave slope, & has a volume control for the x-over setpoint, as well as for low & high pass. x-over point can be changed w/inexpensive plug-in modules. *very* flexible - especially for a situation as you describe. i find that the electronics of a good outboard x-over are superior to that of active subs, as well as quality of amplification. marchand also has a x-over w/48db/octave slope, but i'd bet the 24db/octave would be fine in your situation. doug