Avantgarde Speakers

I would like to hear fellow member's comments on Avantgarde speakers. It sounds like they have a very accurate sound plus great dynamic range. Unfortunately, the Avantgarde home page does not have much information on the speaker's frequency response. The over all ranges are given, but, no measure of flatness is listed. Also, it looks like they are priced on the high side which may be partly due to the company trying to recuperate R&D costs. Any comments would be appreciated. ThanksX10**6!
They are quite impressive - very efficient and dynamic. I auditioned the Duos - I have never heard anything like them, they give new meaning to the term Horn Speaker. Well worth a listen even if you can't afford them. I was pretty blown away, and I have done a lot of extensive listeneing at high-end stores (have friends that work at 2 of them, so I am always there). Actually, given their pricing, they seem pretty inline with value, compared to some stuff I have listened to (Wilson Watt/puppys for example). One place you can find the Avantgarde's in the north east is Fidelis - a new store in NH. www.fidelisav.com have fun, -Ed
one of the nicest sounds i've heard came from an oldeer pair of duo's, (w/their earlier *217* subs, not the latest-n-greatest 222's). still, a phenomenal sound, being driven by some home-brew 1.5wpc set tub amps. i've seen the older version duos adwertized for <$6k - stikk outta *my* league; i'm gonna try a pair of newform research nhb645's... doug
The Duos are better than anything I've heard except the Trios. They make virtually everything else sound like hi-fi. Buy a pair, get the amplification right (single ended triodes) and forget about upgrading speakers or amps (unless you're upgrading to the Trios) forever.
Well they finally got a dealer in my neck of the woods. I have got to hear what all the hoopla is about. Kind of afraid to really.
I would like to humbly suggest another horn, the Kochel K300 (6K), 3-way with all horn loading including the bass driver. Art reviewed K300 in Listener and gave them 4.75 stars and stated most neutral horn he has heard. Works great with flea-powered SET's, too. Smaller K200, 2-way better alternative for smaller room. jim@tmhaudio.com