Avantgarde Speakers

I would like to hear fellow member's comments on Avantgarde speakers. It sounds like they have a very accurate sound plus great dynamic range. Unfortunately, the Avantgarde home page does not have much information on the speaker's frequency response. The over all ranges are given, but, no measure of flatness is listed. Also, it looks like they are priced on the high side which may be partly due to the company trying to recuperate R&D costs. Any comments would be appreciated. ThanksX10**6!
I am surprised to see that people still found this discussion. Does anyone know if the speaker's frequency response has been tested in an anechoic chamber? Preferably by a third party.
7p62mm: y do u care if these double-ugly speaks have been tested in an anechoic chamber? do u live in a converted missle silo or something? i've listened to the duos & trios with a number of different electronics. truth is: horns is horns and these honk like all the rest. perhaps that is y they are painted with automotive (audi/porsche) enamals.
hi cornfedboy. i agree they're not the *nicest* looking things i'd wanna put in my house, but that's where our opinions differ. i heard an early version of the duos, before their sub/x-over updates, and no honking here. great palpable music, from an accuphase cd player, being driven by some home-brew 1.5wpc set amps.
Cornfedboy: the reason I am interested in their measurements is that most people who have heard them really seem to like them. If they sound sound as 'natural' as people claim then they should also test well. Other manufacturers such as Dunlavey and Waveform publish their response graphs. Why doesn't Avantgarde? Your response indicates that you don't care for their sound. I would like to hear them for myself but, there is no local dealer where I live.
They breathe life into music like nothing I have ever heard. I had a guy here recently that was listening to them and he went into my CD's and pulled out a copy of a circa 1980 Linda Rondstadt. I shuddered because while it's an OK recording....it isn't Diana Krall. I would not choose it to show off the speaker. I had not heard this disc for a while. But the Duos made it come alive like nothing else I had heard. A nice bi-product.