Need Speaker Opinions please

My room size is 8 FEET HIGH -20 FEET LONG -14 FEET WIDE. is this considered a small medium or large sized listeing room? I am pretty new to this hi fi game so there are alot of things im unsure of, i live in a very small town with no major hi fi shops, this is why i need your thoughts, I want floorstanding full range speakers, my budget is 4000 dollars, i want speakers that output enough bass that i woulden't have to add an external sub. Can u guys give me the names of some speaker that fit this bill, the few allready on my list are, gershman avant gardes,legacy focus "used", and the tannoy d 500 or 700's . I listen to alot of rock music, so, the less neuteral sounding the speaker the better, i have 1000 cd's and most of them are poor recordings. the rest of my gear consists of the mcintosh mc 42 premp, mcintosh mc 352 power amp. can u guys add to my list of speakers i should be sure to check out along the lines of what i am looking for, i could really use some help here, thanks for taking the time to read. Regards Mike
The vandersteen 3aSig (3400retail) is a great sounding speaker that has more bass than most. Vandersteens do very well with rock because of their extended bass.
The Vandersteen 3A Signatures are an outrageous speaker. They do LOTS of stuff right - mostly they draw you into the performance/music. They are a MUST hear before you make a decision. Good listening!!
The Vandersteen 3A Signatures are an outrageous speaker. They do LOTS of stuff right - mostly they draw you into the performance/music. They are a MUST hear before you make a decision. Good listening!!