Small Speakers w/ Full Range Sound

Help!! I am searching for recomendations on speakers with a very small footprint and big-speaker sound + solid bass? My room is approx. 12 x 28 with 10' ceilings and hardwood floors. Don't let price get in the way of your receomendations. Thank you!!!!
Because your listening room is relatively small, I would recommend the Sonus Faber Concerto bookshelf speakers with a Rel Storm III Subwoofer. The Sonus Fabers are available with Piano Black or Walnut finishes. A high quality Pre amp and Amp such as a Krell 250A and a Krell 250P is highly recommended. Speaker placement is crucial. I would also recommend listening to a pair of Vienna Accoustic Beethovens to use as a benchmark. Good Luck!
I agree w/ Jschrimp. I have tried a number of small monitors (Joseph, ProAc, Totem, Triangle) and in my small dedicated listening room (definitely nearfield) have found the System Audio 1110's to be the best. They are also a great value at $750 a pair. At first I was skeptical...I mean my interconnects cost more than my speakers! However, this is the one component in my system that I will most likely not change out anytime soon. Unless of course I move and end up with a much larger room...that's another story. Anyway,worth checking out the System Audio's if you can find a dealer. Good Luck...John