Merlin VSM SE Speakers - Opinions

I am looking at the possibility of upgrading my Speakers. The Merlins keep on catching my eye but not my ears; there is no local dealer. Reviews are great and they seem to possess all that one can ask for in a 2-way. I have reservations in the fact that there are so many of them for sale in Audiogon - WHY? If anyone out there can tell me more about these speakers and other matching components other than the Joule Electronics they seem to have a synergistic match with, I would be greatful. These speakers almost sound too good to be true, what's the scoop?
I was very happy with the bass response with the Merlins and any of the quality low powered tube amps I paired them with...the modified Pathos being the best. My personal taste is for the quality of the bass as opposed to the quantity. With battery bam these go down to about 30hz and the bass is tight and well defined...based on my room and associated equipment. I think your room volume is about the limit for these speakers.
they are great speakers,very true to the music,but do not have the dynamics to fill a medium to large room.these speakers might stress in trying to fill your the dimensions you mentioned.the best advice is audition them first.