What bookshelfs give more bang for the buck for someone like me who is not an audiophile. I like music at the current time(Cool Jazz, Classical)and will be using the speakers in a small living/dining room (that's why no HT at the present time.) The speakers will be powered by a Marantz SR8000(105WPC.) Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
For around 300 bones, the Paradigm Mini-Monitor is pretty unbelievable. Not super high-end, but awesome for under $1000. It would be an easy speaker for your Marantz to drive also. Take a listen and you'll see for yourself. good luck!!
I don't know your budget limitations, however I particularily like the Spendor speakers. My favorite is the SP 1/2, however if this is too much for your budget you can't beat the Sound Dynamics RST-3 at $300.00 per pair. I have a pair of these in my downstairs system and they are truly amazing.
For low-bux I really agree with the B&W DM602 - amazingly clean for the money. In addition I bought my non-audiophile father-in-law the NHT Super One's, which sounded great by themselves and I think would make excellent surround speakers. Also, I hear that the Sound Dynamics speakers are supposed to be great for around $300
Mandrake, I own B&W N805's and agree somewhat with others who have recommended this speaker. However, this speaker is very revealing of the electronics ahead of it. I am not familiar with your Marantz receiver so I cannot say how they will match. You will learn a lot about your receiver with this speaker, that is for sure. My gut feeling is that you may find the DM602's a better match for a lot less money.