Subwoofer Match with Proac Response 2's

I have the following system: Cal Dx2 Cd; Proac REsponse 2's Adcom amps Audibile Illusion 3 preamp Cabled with Tara Labs any suggestions for a good music (first) ht (second) subwoofer. Thanks.
euphorbia, proacs are *excellent* speakers, but, yule still need a pair - that's $3800. will they be powered, w/built-in x-overs?
On subwoofers.... perhaps a pair of smaller accurate Velodynes would do the trick... or maybe even better, a pair of small Bob Carver True Subs would give you ease of placement, high output capability, low frequency extension, without 2 big boxes sitting in your room. An aside, please consider upgrading your CAL DX-2 to something better. I own the CAL Icon MK II Power Boss, which blows the doors off the DX-2 in terms of bass solidity, depth of soundstage, and imaging. I've compared both head-to-head and there really is no contest. You can probably find a used Icon for $700 or so - it would be money well spent, considering the quality of your speakers (Pro-Ac is known for their excellent imaging potential). Just some words of advice, take them as you will..... Good Listening!!
hi.. i am a soliloquy dealer .. you owe it to yourself to check out there speakers check out a dealer near you or contact me,,, the S-10 is not only sonically breathtaking but the most beautiful looking unit around ... you will fall in love !!! also check out the sunfire mk11 or a apir of sunfire jr subs if i can be of any help please get in touch !!