Speakers : Who uses What ?

Which brand and model drivers are used in speaker systems. I want to know which company I am listening to . Is there a web page that lists who uses what ?
sugarbie, most speaker mfr's do *not* use their own drivers, they outsource them from arelatively small handful of driver mfr's. of course, there *are* a few speaker mfr's that make their own drivers, but they are in the small minority. even companies like wilson, w/their multi-kilobuck products, outsource the drivers. jm-labs, dynaudio, thiel all make their own drivers, not sure about b&w...
I followed the scanspeak web site (www.vifa-peak.dk) list of distributors to Madisound (www.madisound.com). Click "retrofits" to find a list of replacements and substitutes sorted by loudspeaker manufacturer. Hope this helps a bit.
If you want to know about drivers, get the Solen catalog. It's more info than you need, though, and doesn't tell who uses what. They all claim that they either "rebuild", or have them "custom manufactured", though. Sometimes they do. After a while, you'll recognize them all.