Amp for B&W 802N ?

Looking for advise. I have a pair of 802 Nautilus speakers, a Mark Levinson 380S preamp and a Sonic Frontiers tube CD player with a Classe 200 amp. Sound is great but I am wondering if a newer and more powerfull amp would not be more appropriate? Considering a Classe 401... any suggestions?
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I would like to thank all those who replied. I do not know if I read all the suggestions before the "crash", but there were about 7, all good. Any more would be greatly appreciated! Thanks... Snooker14
Just in case you missed my response (I know some of you must have): Listen up, B&W 801 and 802 owners! What amp you use is of little consequence compared to what crossover you use! What B&W puts in its speakers is a dreadful compromise of this beautiful speaker, severely limiting its performance. I recently bought a pair of North Creek Music outboard crossovers, and now my 802's are just incredible. I've owned and loved B&W's for almost 25 (yes!) years, but what these crossovers did for my 802's is far beyond any improvement I've ever made in amplification. I am not a salesman or affiliated with NCM in any way. But their product is a good example in this hyped hobby of getting good value for your investment. Go their web site and believe what they're saying there. Then buy a pair.
Madisonear... Are you sure the Nautilus series crossovers are as "dreadful" as you say? The question was regarding the Nautilus series not the Matrix series? Not a slam or anything I own a pair of 802N and am just wondering?
Madisonear... Are you sure the Nautilus series crossovers are as "dreadful" as you say? The question was regarding the Nautilus series not the Matrix series? Not a slam or anything I own a pair of 802N and am just wondering?
I'll ask again since I was blown away by the crash. What is the web address for North Creek Music? I have N802s with a VT200 amp driven directly by a Wadia 860x. Excellent sound!