How do VANDERSTEEN Signature 2ce's rate?

Any of you own or hear the new Vandersteen Signature 2CE? Does it overcome the lack of transparency & imaging specificity the old ones lack? I guess that is why there are so many Thiel lovers out there. Appreciate anyone's feedback on either side.
"The Vandersteen 3A is a great speaker which affords a lot of flexibility". Found this post on AA under "Would like to leave feedback on ML" date August 15. The above post is by none other than Joe Coherent, I knew you were just "tricking" us Joe.
You don't read so good Tubgroover. You don't hear so good either. This thread is about the Vandersteen Signature 2CE. You are quoting my comments about the Vandersteen 3A. I stand by my statements on both. If I did not have the Silverline Sonatas and was as financially challenged as you appear to be I would have strongly considered purchasing the Vandersteen 3A. My job at Chase Manhattan bank affords me many luxuries in life that you can not possibly appreciate as an employee of McDonalds.
Well thanks for clearing matters up Joe. At least we found another system other than the Sonata’s that you DO like and isn’t it ironic it comes from the same manufacturer that you bash in this thread and has very similar tonal characteristics. I still think your funning with us.
Joe, you make the Silverline Sonatas sound so appealing. I'm wondering if you are referring to the now discontinued Avalon rip-off version or the new retro-Wharfdale sand-filled model.
I am glad working in a bank makes you an athority on sound and music joe,and therfore qualified to dispence advice to others. I ran a store where we sold both Theil and Vandersteen. They are both quality products but the Vandersteens always sound more like the real thing. The standard 2Ce does not lack transparency or image specificity. That sounds like a problem with the equiptment running them. The problem is that most people run the 2Ce with good, but not great electronics and front end gear. Hook them up to a first class front end and some great tube gear and you will get a very realistic and musical experience. I have run them with both ARC and Cornad Johnson electronics. I have also ran them with Adcom and NAD, not that these are trash, it's just not going to let you hear what the speaker is capable of. Unfortunatly most people hook up this kind of SS gear to them and then proclaim that the speaker does this or that. Just ain't so! I have the standard 2Ce myself with the 2Wq and it is very good. The sub makes the system really come alive. I am sure that Richard Vandersteen would like to be informed that his hearing sucks. Of course he dosen't work in a fancy ass bank and therefore must be stupid. next time I need HiFi gear I will proceed to the ATM and hope golden ears pop out of the machine.