Revel VS Avalon

I am interested in your impressions on the Revel Salons and the Avolon Eidolon's. Thank you
I have only heard the Eidelon's, but it is definetely the best speaker I have ever heard. That is a BIG "ever". I have worked in studios for over 25 years. The Eidelon is the only speaker that truly felt as if the musicians were there with me. I wonder, does Avolon have a center channel speaker for 5 channel and home theater uses the way that Revel does?
I don't think 25 years as a janitor in a recording studio qualifies you to talk about anything but Hefty Trash Bags. I've heard the Eidolon and sure, it's better than Revel but then what isn't? Is it great? If you think that a Yamaha NS-10 is good then the Eidolon is great. Of the speakers I've heard recently, the Silverline Sonata is far more musical and less expensive to boot. I don't mean to be insulting but I think you are an idiot.
joecoherent (ironic username) sounds like the kinda guy you'd not wanna bring along to a listening session (or any other social ocassion for that matter). you're rude and lewd, joe, so nobody cares about yout opinions. on any subject i own eidolons. IMHO, these are the best speakers out there, at any price. (i attend ces yearly, so i've heard lot's of stuff there- including the revel line- and at audio shops all over the usa and europe.) they are, however, brutally revealing and will not sound their best without supierior electronics, the more power the better. to bmpnyc: no, avalon is an audio-only manufacturer; they don't do home theatre. stay tuned, tho, a replacement for the monitor may be in the offing that would be suitable for 2 or 4 video channels.