What are the "best" DYNAMIC speakers available?

Jazz lover/No high-end equipment at present time
Bigtee sums it up quite nicely. I've heard 6 big name speakers, all way over priced. So i hope we have less "best speaker" threads and more research on previous threads. It's all there, every speaker has been reviewed here on Audiogon. I will say that auditioning speakers locally can be a big problem, since most cities only have a handful of "hi-fi" shops, with limited lines. Oh, as everyone knows my vote goes to...kits. I should have mine up and running in about 1 month.
Best, who knows.
But I'll rank what I owned/had in house for you from the best down:

Alon Grand Exoticas (by a knockout!)
Avantgarde Trios
Grand Slamms
Avalon Eidolons
Sound Lab M-1s
Watt 5.1s
Infinity Rs-1b

Suspect the Kharmas are at least as good as the Trios,
and the Rockport Hyperions up there as well.

Trust your ears, listen with equipment you know intimately,
and be prepared to write big checks for incremental differences. Reviews mean little-why else would everything be class A if not to please advertisers?
Best tonal balance of any loudspeaker in my 34 yr.listening experience is that of the Harmonic Precision Caravels. Must be the series crossover, oh so very dynamic.
IF the Harmonic Precision were such a speaker, i believe at least half the Audiogon members would have one in their homes. One little question...how much?
Tyler Acoustics Taylo Reference Monitors or any of his Reference or Linnbrook models. Take my word for it, this speaker company is going places... I have owned over thrity pairs of speakers and his take the cake. If the company was public, I would invest without question.

Check it out www.tyleracoustics.com

The KiD