Dynaudio, ProAc, Totem???

Any thoughts on what would be the best monitor for a small room; Dynaudio Contour 1.3, ProAc 1SC or Totem Model One Signature
These three models all have different sound qualities. Choosing the best one would depend upon your taste of sound quality and the equipment you will be using with the speakers.
Agree exactly with Wenterprisesnw. Need to know what you'll be driving them with(knowing the front end, while not necessary, wouldn't hurt), what type of music you like, how loud you like(need) it, and anything else you're willing to share(of relevance). Preamp/amp question is the most important though.
I have heard all 3 they have their strong points after extended listing i bought the Coincident Triumph.It walks all over them.1099.00 new used 600/700.
I would be driving the speakers with a McCormack DNA-0.5 ran directly froma Wadia 850 via Nordost cables. Mostly listen to jazz, rock, acoustic, blues, etc. Remember I have a very smal roon 12L x 10W. Thanks...John